You Might Have Some Questions

Questions are always welcome! Investing in your personal image might be more money than you’re willing to spend, but I guarantee it’s worth every penny. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Image Consulting

Clients come to my studio (or we meet online) without makeup and I cover up their hair (unless it’s a natural color) and use a series of fabric drapes in different colors to determine the most flattering colors. I use the Four Seasons approach with flows for the in-between coloring: such as Light, Deep, Muted, Bright, Warm, etc. The appointment can last up to 2 hours.

I have a detailed questionnaire I have fine-tuned over the years that expertly tells me you’re your style personality is such as clothing styles you like such as Sporty, Classic, Trendy, Dramatic or Romantic, etc.

A closet refresh and cleanse are based on your lifestyle and needs. Some clients want a total refresh and a closet free of clothing they don’t like. Other clients request a “shop your closet” approach where I come in and show them how to take the clothes they have and make new outfits. Closet cleanses usually take up to 2 hours, but with extremely large closets, extra time is needed, and is billed accordingly.

Bring your clothing to my home studio south of Broad Ripple, and I evaluate clothing at that time and provide a Signature Basics list for shopping.

I have helped many professionals develop a profile that attracts employers and other professionals. I coach how to dress; recommend hair and makeup updates; and refer to some of the best area photographers for headshot—which is a totally different service that a family photo.

Gift certificates are available (electronic card) for all services, from Color Analysis, Closet Cleanse to Personal Shopping.

Image Consulting in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Contact Beth To Start Image Consulting

Contact Beth

Text or Email Beth Divine Style To Discuss What You'd Like To Accomplish

Step 2: Meet With Beth Live Or Virtually

Meet Beth

Live Or Virtually To Perform The Services You Need

Step 3 - Enjoy The Benefits of Image Consulting

Enjoy the "New" You

Be Prepared For So Many Compliments

Reach Out for a Style Consultation