Vests Making a Comeback!
We’re all seen or had a quilted vest. Many times they had a hood, were quilted and had an elastic waist. They seem to be popular for a while, then you don’t see them. Vests are making a comeback. This time around, however, the quilting seems to be less puffy, the fit is more sleek […]
Vacation is a page away…
About this time of year, in the Midwest anyway, we get really tired of the cold and snow. If you are lucky enough to take a little trip to a warm place, good for you! If not, try a little escape…in your mind…with spring and summer catalogs, magazines or planning your upcoming trip. I especially […]
Make Your Eyes Look Bigger!
Do you have smaller eyes as I do…without a lot of space above your lids for the elaborate eye looks popular right now? Don’t despair: here are some tricks to enhance your eyes! This is a great video by Allure magazine: Try it out! I like to use green, teal, navy and plum eye […]
Light blue feels like springtime!
If you are a fan of any shade of blue, you have to love light blue, especially as the claws of winter loosen its grip! I have been seeing light blue in a few stores, first in White House Black Market. That store features nice blue jackets with a peplum shape in a cotton and […]
Denim skirt time is almost here!
If you are like me, you are always on the lookout for a great denim skirt: a lean, pencil skirt that hits right at the knee cap or below, in either a rich, dark due or a washed, light denim. Finding that perfect skirt seems to get harder and harder. Often I will find the […]
The Jacket: A Girl’s Best Friend
When I look at my mom’s high school graduation photo, I see someone totally different than the lady who raised me. This girl is beautiful, dressed smartly with dark, chestnut brown hair. The mom I knew was slightly chubby, tan with curly, grey hair. She certainly wasn’t concerned with style, skin care or her clothes! […]
Cuddly Sleepwear
It feels like the middle of winter now, so I am looking for my warmest PJs and gowns to keep warm each night. I am a big fan of knitwear and flannel–obviously–for winter sleepwear. I have a couple of sets of flannel PJs, but lately I am wearing knit tops and just the bottoms. I […]
Shoes that complement your legs…
Have you ever considered the shoes you pick are just as important as the clothing you wear–they either complement your shape or they don’t. I have to laugh, I never thought about shoes being sexy…until one of my friends years ago said she liked to show “toe cleavage.” What, I said? Yes, she said. When […]
Holiday Dazzle
I’d be remiss if I didn’t visit the idea of what to wear to holiday parties and festivities. Of course, to the office holiday party, my rule is always … no cleavage, ladies, and no mini’s either. Remember, you make your living with these people, you always want to keep the atmosphere professional. I also […]
Unique Ideas for Christmas Shopping!
Black Friday — one of the busiest shopping days of the year — is coming up. So I might as well jump on the band wagon and give you some of my gift ideas. Think about giving the gift of beauty … the holidays are a perfect time to take advantage of some boxed sets. […]